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Proposed City of East Cobb

02/25/2022 9:48 AM | Anonymous

The IHCA feels it is important to inform IHCA members that the proposed City of East Cobb had a legislative hearing, as Indian Hills is within the boundaries of the proposed city.  Both the pros and cons of becoming a city were discussed.  Many people are unaware that this is being proposed.

Below is a brief recap of the process. Please note that this information is intended to be informational only, and the Indian Hills Civic Association does not take a side on this issue. The information below, along with the financial feasibility study and other important information can be accessed at:

East Cobb cityhood bill to get first legislative hearing

The bill, HB 841,  was filed at the end of the 2021 legislative session by two East Cobb Republican House members, Matt Dollar and Sharon Cooper.

Under state law, cityhood bills must be considered over two years in the same legislative cycle, meaning they are introduced in the first year and considered in the second year.

The hearing by the special subcommittee is the first step in that process; the bill would eventually have to be voted out of the Governmental Affairs Committee to reach the full house floor. The Senate also would act along similar lines if the bill is approved in the House and then “crosses over.”

The full legislature must vote to approve the bill, which calls for an incorporation referendum in November 2022 to be decided by voters in the proposed city boundaries.

Leslie Linton DeRosa,
External Affairs Director


  • 02/28/2022 6:40 PM | Howard Brenowitz
    The board understandably does not want to take a position on elections tp public office.
    However this election is not about electing specific individuals or parties.
    The board is doing a disservice to the residents by not taking a position to protect our residents because common sense will tell you that you will now have to support a whole new additional administrative body with a mayor and council people.
    The people behind this new city are real estate developers who claim they are not doing this for their individual enrichment which is pure baloney.
    They want to control zoning so they can build whatever they want.
    Our taxes will go up on the county portion to help with the shortfall of monies going to the new city and the new city taxes will cause all of the total we pay to go up.
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