Do you know where the water shut off is at your house? How about all 13 entrances to our neighborhood? Since 2016, we have had an outstanding board member make it his mission to understand and beautify the entrances and all of the common areas of Indian Hills. He has overseen the building of the pocket parks and the rebuilding of signs after several traffic accidents. He is the person that has been called when there is a water leak from one of the common areas or a tree has fallen in the road. It was brought to my attention recently that Ron Andrews and his incredible wife Tricia will soon be leaving Indian Hills to retire in Texas. I want to take this opportunity to thank Ron and Tricia for all the work and sacrifice they have given to our wonderful neighborhood over the years. Tricia has also been a dedicated volunteer for the board for more than 30 years, serving as Block Captain, Area Director, distributing newsletters, and most recently as editor of the Trading Post for the past several years. We will miss you both on the board, we will miss your friendship, and I will miss having a fellow west Tennessee boy with which to compare life in Georgia!
If you see Ron and Tricia in the next few months, please take a moment to give them a heartfelt thank you for all they have done for Indian Hills. If anyone is interested in serving on a wonderful board of volunteers for our community, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or any board member. Thank you for helping make Indian Hills a great place to live!

Kris Killough,
IHCA President