Fall approaches as the summer closes out and that means we are getting ready for football and the IHCA annual meeting. Our intent is to hold the meeting in person at the Indian Hills Country Club clubhouse, but our plans remain fluid as we get more information about Covid. Please plan to attend (more details below).
We will be electing a new President, Treasurer, and a new Director of External Affairs as well as approving the carry over slate of board members. In addition to the election and updates on the state of the community, Jerica Richardson, our District 2 County Commissioner, will be speaking to us about ongoing and future initiatives.
If you are interested in serving on the Board of Indian Hills Civic Association, please contact me or any Board member. Or if you just want to get more involved in our community let one of us know. There is plenty to do.
Stay safe and stay healthy.
Harold Itkin, IHCA President