In the late summer of 2008, a small group of Indian Hills’ residents (Norm Mitchell, Becky Harrington, Andrea Good, Beth Roberts, and Mike Crowe) met to organize the History Committee. We were subsequently joined by Diane Stepp, Roger Phelps, Jim Sanders, and Evelyn Dwiggins. Numerous others have offered help and encouragement. Mike agreed to serve as facilitator; and began to compile a list of Early Residents still residing in Indian Hills. We defined Early Residents as those who acquired their lots during the first five years of development --- ending 12/31/1974.
We are presenting the history in four segments--- one with each issue of the Smoke Signals for September, October, November, and December. After the series is completed, it is hoped that copies will be assembled and made available for inclusion in the Newcomer Kits.
This first segment contains: the “Introduction” to the series by Mike; a reprint of “The Mary Witt Article” [with pictures of Mary – then and now]; Maps showing points of Interest and some photographs from our past by Becky. Norm, aided by Jim and Mike, conducted a number of Early Resident interviews. Then he wrote the narrative for the second segment (“Early Resident Memories --- and What’s Happening Now”), which includes a summary of those responses. Diane prepared the written material for the third segment (“Development of Indian Hills”) The fourth segment was drafted by Evelyn (“Indian Hills Civic Association”), and Norm (“Indian Hills Country Club”).
Becky headed the sub-committee that prepared this history for publication; served as the repository for bringing the various segments together; accumulated the maps, photos, and other material that adds zest to our project; and coordinated (ably assisted by John Steinheimer) the layout and printing of the four installments.
Roger researched the feasibility of preparing a more thorough history. It was the group’s consensus that such an undertaking involved more time than our current committee was willing to provide – and required far greater financial commitments than we thought feasible.
Jim Rhoden and the Indian Hills Country Club have graciously offered to provide and maintain a site in the Club where we can store and display IH artifacts (i.e. Directories – Smoke Signals – newspaper & magazine articles about IH – pictures – other memorabilia) as gathered. Roger and Norm were instrumental in bringing this about.
Andrea Good has served us well as secretary for the Indian Hills History Committee. I want to thank all the people mentioned above for the hours they devoted to the individual projects and the group. Their participation has contributed greatly to our endeavor. We have opted to call this compilation “The Story of Indian Hills”. Our purpose has been to present the essence of our community; along with some recorded events. We recognize each of us has our own perception of truth; based on individual experiences, cultural background, and environment. Therefore, we have not limited ourselves to irrefutable facts. We trust that you will be pleased with the results.